
Tips for kids: Record breaking Brick Vehicles

Cool projects for your LEGO-bricks

There’s no stopping him: Joe Klang, the bestselling author of more than eleven titles on building with LEGO® bricks, is as enthusiastic and inventive as ever and has come up with lots of stunning and exciting new projects that can be built with the bricks you’ve got at home.

This new volume features the most fascinating and extraordinary record-breaking vehicles ever built not just cars but also ships and airplanes well-known from TV and cinema. Each model comes with the usual easy to follow step-by-step instructions – one more title not to be missed when you’re mad about building with bricks.

208 Seiten, Paperback, 203 x 254 mm, ISBN: 978-3-95843-551-3

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Cool projects for your LEGO-bricks

There’s no stopping him: Joe Klang, the bestselling author of more than eleven titles on building with LEGO® bricks, is as enthusiastic and inventive as ever and has come up with lots of stunning and exciting new projects that can be built with the bricks you’ve got at home.

This new volume features the most fascinating and extraordinary record-breaking vehicles ever built not just cars but also ships and airplanes well-known from TV and cinema. Each model comes with the usual easy to follow step-by-step instructions – one more title not to be missed when you’re mad about building with bricks.

208 Seiten, Paperback, 203 x 254 mm, ISBN: 978-3-95843-551-3

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